This is where I will link to the Custom Content I have in my game.
It's mostly useful to the Through History Challenge.
Castaway Corner - as seen in Tribal Generation
A Collector's Dream - storage shelves/cupboards for collectors! But can't hold fishbowls.
Goblets and Bowls - decor that can span many time periods!
Timekeepers - can also span many time periods
Victorian Sewing Machine - decor. lol, it's cute.
Coffee Set - 50s style decor.
Eco Toilet and Budget Bathroom - GREAT for first 3 generations!
Grand Piano - decorative, but could be functional with Late Night!
Jukebox - Hit it, Fonz.
Sesame Street Toys - okay, not very usable for the challenge... but OMG.
I also like the starter houses by ruthless_kk
Does any one have any great, safe CC suggestions? useful to challenges?